July 23, 2008

She always keeps us laughing!

Allie is always making us laugh. One of her new things is to go under my sink and pull out the box of pantyliners (don't be embarrassed, that is what they are called.) She, however, calls them "Band-aids" or "Stickers" depending on the day. We find them all over the house. When they are Band-aids she comes out with them on her knees and says, "Mommy, knee hurt" and when they are stickers they can be found anywhere. For example, on her tummy, on the walls, on her baby Cinderella doll, on the TV, etc. Needless to say, before anyone comes over we try to quickly comb through the house and make sure all her "stickers" are put away. Now you would think that I would find another place to store them...but where else?! That's where they belong!

Apparently she was
experiencing pain
in both shins??
(This was taken
before we took
her paci away...
she sure misses it

On Sunday Allie and I had some time to kill before we went to dinner at my mom's. I put in the "Joy to the World" DVD, sat next to Allie, and told her we were going to watch baby Jesus. She was really into it and about half way through I was amazed that she was still watching so quietly.

So now the question
is...how long had she
been like this??

Allie plays in the bath while I do my hair and makeup, so sometimes she is in there for like an hour. You would think that she would get bored, but oh no, she is always sad to get out! She sings, splashes, makes Mickey float on his back and practice swimming, and turns the water on and off. Here is a video of her singing "Happy Birthday" to the ducky's hat. Random...I know.


The Skousens said...

She is too funny!!! I'm seriously peeing over the fact that your panyliners are her stickers or bandaids, lol, hey at least they keep her busy I guess! I love the little video of her!

Joy said...

She's going to be a broadway star :). I love her singing to the ducks, and definitely the band-aid picture... those are classic.

The Riding Family said...

Did you really take the "pacy" away? How did that go? I can't believe she takes out your pantyliners and uses them as bandaids and stickers. She's hilarious!

Jean said...

Oh my goodness. You must keep the pics for black mail purposes when she is older...I think I have only seen one other baby this beautiful...it was Allie's mommy. :)