January 17, 2009

One my favorite smells...

is waking up to bacon, eggs, and chopped potatoes sizzling on the grittle and piping hot waffles in the waffle maker. That is what I woke up to this morning. Mmmmm. I know I should be on here updating the past couple of weeks, but I'm going to brag about my husband instead. I worked Thursday night and didn't get to sleep yesterday during the day really since I was home with Allie. Meaning? I was exhausted going to bed last night and then Allie didn't sleep well, which means I didn't sleep well. I woke up at 10 this morning smelling those wonderful smells. Allie was on the couch watching a movie and Nick was hard at work cooking away. He said he didn't need any help and for me to go relax. What a guy. Truly I am not worthy of him.
Oh and P.S.: he brought me home a dozen roses the other day...just because. He knows I love it when he does that. Thanks sweetie I love you!!