July 29, 2008

Breaking Dawn Party!

I've tried to refrain from posting about the Twilight series, because I don't want you all to know how truely obsessed I am. However, can I just tell you how excited I am it is coming out in 4 days!!! There are a lot of bookstores that are doing Breaking Dawn parties on Friday night at 12pm. In fact, Nick told me that Deseret Book is even having one! Some friends and I are going to the one at the Barnes and Noble on Baseline and Val Vista. All you have to do is call and reserve your book and they will e-mail you a ticket. I'm so excited!! We are going to be there around 10ish, so if anyone wants to come with us you're invited!! I can't believe I am saying this! I sound like a groupie or something. What's funny is that if I had not read it and heard someone saying this I would have thought they were really nerdy...oh well. One of the Barnes and Nobles is even having a Prom themed party where you are expected to wear prom attire. We toyed with that idea, but decided to go to another one. I'm not really sure what to expect, so we're mainly going to get our book and have a girls night out. I'm so grateful for an amazing husband that doesn't think I'm too lame and it fine with me going while he watches Allie. Thanks honey! Leave a comment or e-mail me if you want to meet up with us!

Reading Pooh Bort

Allie loves reading "Pooh Bort" aka Pooh Bear. Usually she has me read it to her, but yesterday she wanted to read it herself. The video cracks me up. Just click on the play button and turn your sound up. This is how she always reads whether its Pooh Bear, the scriptures, anything. She always has the same high pitch and says the same ramblings. Actually, at the beginning if you really listen you can tell she is saying characters names mixed in with the rambling. Is this how I sound when I read to her??

Birthdays again!

Last Sunday we celebrated Brittany and Steven's (Erin's husband) birthday at my uncle Kent's house! We also celebrated Erin graduating ASU! Whoo-hoo! Allie had a blast playing with her cousins, and the dogs and horses. After it was all over there were some sweaty kids and really dirty feet. I overheard Sabrina talking to Joshua on "tips for convincing your parents to get a dog." Emily's kids are dying for a dog and are trying everything they can think of to convince Emily and Russell. Samantha looked up a website on how to talk your parents into buying a dog, checked out dog books from the library, and the kids held a meeting the other night. They explained all the pros about having a dog and opened it up for Emily and Russell to ask questions. They had done their homework! For every con they had the kids had an answer for it. Each of the kids wore a pin they had made that said, "Dog lover" and then their name. At the end of the meeting the parents were promised that if they agreed to let them have a dog they too could have a pin. So cute! We're rooting for you kids!!

My uncles live next
door to each other,
so the adults stayed
and talked around the
horses, and the
kids played on the
new playground at

She looks a little

She kept climbing up all by herself.
She's getting so big!

I love this picture. I took it to show all the
kids climbing up the ladder together. It
wasn't until I got home that I saw Caleb
and Sabrina's goofy expressions.


I know that a lot of my posts are really wordy and long, but I'm hoping, like a lot of you, to use to as a journal too. I guess you can send in your blog info to Blurb.com and they'll turn it into a book. So, sorry if they're a bit lengthy!
Last night I was cleaning bathrooms and Allie was watching "Monkey Geek" (Monsters Inc.). I went out to check on her and this is how I found her...shirt, pull-up and shoes.

Poor Elmo

Our neighbors were packing up the grandma to move her back to New York last Saturday and our cute neighbor lady kept bringing things over and saying, "Do you guys want these? Would you use this?" They are really great neighbors. She at one point brought Allie a little elmo and asked if she could give it to her. Allie was of course super excited because she really likes Elmo and points him out whenever he is on anything. She has never watched him at our house so I was really suprised when she knew who he was, but I guess when she is playing with her cousins or at Grandma's house she sees him. When our neighbor saw how excited Allie was, she ran back to her house and got a tickle me Elmo too! Allie was in heaven. She now carries them everywhere and has to have "two elmos". Well, unfortunately on Sunday the Elmos got sick I guess. Allie likes using my stethescope to listen to her heart and mine and Nick's too. She points to her heart and says, "Mommy, ears a heart". Translation: She wants to use my stethescope to listen to her heart. Well, on Sunday it was Elmo's turn. She would scrunch up her face and say, "Mommy, Elmo sick" and then listen to his heart.

Locating the heart
before she starts...

What a good little
nurse she is!

Allie sandwich.

Allie's First Crush

I thought it was so cute, so I had to do a quick blog about it for journaling purposes to tease Allie later. Last Wednesday we had our SYTYCD party at Jess' house. Her little brother (going to be a senior in high school this year) stopped by to grace us with his presence. He's quite popular among the ladies at his high school, and we all thought he was a cutie. As soon as Allie saw him she wouldn't take her eyes off of him. We were all dying laughing because she was like mesmerized by him. He started talking to her and she still just stared at him. He got down on the ground and started coloring with her and was really sweet with her. Her drew her a smiley face and then told her to color something for him. She did a few scribbles and then quickley gave it back for him to color more. Seriously though, she was like in awe of him. After about 15 minutes she warmed up to him and was talking his ear off. At one point he walked into the kitchen and she ran over saying, "Here Scotty! Here!" trying to hand him her coloring book. (We were all calling him Scott, but apparently she felt they were close enough to use nicknames.) Nick and I had better watch out for this one...she's quite the flirt already.

"Scotty's" art
masterpiece for

July 23, 2008

It irks me!

It irks me that I always post backwards! I explain why its been so long since our last post and then post all the catch up things. This, unfortunately, makes you read all our catch up things before you read why its been so long. Argh! So just know I should have posted the one titled "Way too long" last so that you would read it first. (If this just confuses you then disregard this post and start reading the rest...)

Swim Day at Zazoo's

I haven't seen my in-laws in forever, so I was really happy when my sister-in-law called to tell me she and her girls and my other sister-in-law and her kids were going over to my mother-in-law's for the day. (I really hate saying "in-laws". I think it has such a bad connotation. I absolutely love my in-laws and really enjoy spending time with them. They all do a really good job of making me feel like one of the girls, however, if I just said my sisters then a lot of people would be confused...anways...) Allie loves playing with her cousins and I was feeling bad that it had been so long. We all brought swim suits for the kids and they had a fun time splashing in the pool, running through the sprinklers, and jumping on the trampoline. Thanks for calling Kristi!

Allie loves Emma!
At one point they
were walking by
themselves in the
backyard holding
hands...so cute!

The bathing beauties!
Emma is 2 1/2, Allie
is 21 mo., Shayla is 15
mo., and Haylie is
13 mo. I hope they
all stay close friends
growing up! (Jayden's
not in the picture, but
he'll be 4 in Sep.)

Apparently she was
thirsty and couldn't
resist the revolving
Ariel sprinkler?

Sippy cup buds.

She always keeps us laughing!

Allie is always making us laugh. One of her new things is to go under my sink and pull out the box of pantyliners (don't be embarrassed, that is what they are called.) She, however, calls them "Band-aids" or "Stickers" depending on the day. We find them all over the house. When they are Band-aids she comes out with them on her knees and says, "Mommy, knee hurt" and when they are stickers they can be found anywhere. For example, on her tummy, on the walls, on her baby Cinderella doll, on the TV, etc. Needless to say, before anyone comes over we try to quickly comb through the house and make sure all her "stickers" are put away. Now you would think that I would find another place to store them...but where else?! That's where they belong!

Apparently she was
experiencing pain
in both shins??
(This was taken
before we took
her paci away...
she sure misses it

On Sunday Allie and I had some time to kill before we went to dinner at my mom's. I put in the "Joy to the World" DVD, sat next to Allie, and told her we were going to watch baby Jesus. She was really into it and about half way through I was amazed that she was still watching so quietly.

So now the question
is...how long had she
been like this??

Allie plays in the bath while I do my hair and makeup, so sometimes she is in there for like an hour. You would think that she would get bored, but oh no, she is always sad to get out! She sings, splashes, makes Mickey float on his back and practice swimming, and turns the water on and off. Here is a video of her singing "Happy Birthday" to the ducky's hat. Random...I know.

Sunday Morning Photo Shoot

This Sunday Nick had to work, so it was just Allie and I. My visiting teachers were coming, so I made sure Allie and I were all ready for church before they came. They usually come at 10 and since church isn't until 12 we usually have a little time to kill. Somehow we were ready by like 9:30 and since Allie was looking so dang cute and in a good mood I took some pictures. Someday I hope to have a really nice camera and do some reading on photography so that we'll have somewhat professional looking pictures. But until then...I think these are way cute.

I think
these two
are my

I love having a girl!
I am always
with her hair and
trying to find a
new do.

Our plants have really
taken off in the front
yard. I love this one.
Unfortunately, I think
this is the one that is
poisonous to children
and animals...oops

She loves running up
and down the little
hills in our front yard.

I love how curly
her hair is! It just
adds to the fun of
experimenting with

July 22, 2008

Swim Day!

Last Saturday we had a swim day at my Aunt Diana's pool. She has always been really great about letting us use it whenever we want. The Davis cousins hadn't had a swim day in a long time, so it was really fun getting together! We were missing a handful of cousins, but those that were there had a blast. It was a perfect overcast day, so the sun wasn't super bright and the water was perfect! Thanks Aunt Diana!!

Allie slept the whole way
there. She needed that
power nap before she
headed for a wild day
at the pool.

She had a lot of fun
swimming with
Uncle Chris!

At first it made him
nervous when she
would float, but he
got used to it and
thought it was pretty

Allie's favorite thing
was jumping in the
pool. She said,
"Ready, set, go!"
everytime she jumped
in. I love Chris' face in
this one. He did really
well with her.

She kept climbing out
and jumping to the
closest person to her.
She would jump in, swim
to them and then say,
"Gin!" (again). She made
me a little nervous with
her no fear attitude!

Allie is blessed to have
so many people that
love her!

Samantha taught
Allie how to use the

Nick even got to come!

After watching all the other kids jump off the diving board

Allie did it too! I couldn't believe it! Once she finally did

it, she didn't want to stop! She kept saying, "One more

time Daddy!" and holding up her little finger.

Potty Chairs and "Broten Pacies"

Allie is getting to be such a big girl! My little girl is not a baby anymore. *Sniff, sniff* We bought her a big girl potty chair about a little over a month ago, and the past two weeks she has been using it! She for the most part is doing it all herself. She'll disappear and come back holding a pot full of pee. She is so excited to show us! This is great and all, but I really wish she would just come and get me and take me to the bathroom, then I wouldn't have to help her walk carefully back to the bathroom without her splashing it on the carpet. She'll go potty and then say, "Yay Allie!" and clap her cute little hands. Her reward has been a handful of M&M's and so far it's working great. Last week there was a day when she went like 5 times during the day without me even asking her if she needed to go. I'm not totally pushing it though, but I guess maybe I should? When school starts again there is no way I'm going to have time for potty training when she's at a different house everyday, so my dilemma is...do I push it now?...or wait until Christmas break?...or wait until next summer?! But then she'll be almost 3, and if she's acting ready now I guess I'd better help her along. Any ideas?! Also, *drumroll please* we got rid of her paci! Last Saturday night I decided it was time. She had been using this infant one that was way too small for her and it seemed she was getting more obsessed by the day. It's not that I was totally opposed to her having it at bedtime and naptimes, but she would always sneak it somehow and I hated her having it in public. So, Saturday night I had her help me cut the end off and throw it in the garbage. I said, "Yuck! That paci is broken! We'd better throw it in the garbage! Besides, pacis are for babies and you're a big girl that goes potty in the big girl potty!" She said, "Ew yuck, Mommy! Paci broten (broken). Allie big girl!" and threw it in the garbage. She did pretty ok that night without it, but that morning was horrible. She kept taking it out of the garbage and trying to put it back together while bawling uncontrollably. But once I got her mind off of it she did pretty well. Now she just tells everyone that her "paci is broten. I frow in garbage". And when she says "throw" she acts like she is throwing something...very dramatic. So that's what Allie has been doing the past couple of weeks...growing up really fast! I can't believe she'll be 2 in October! Where did the time go?!

She's wearing big girl
underwear in this
picture, but modestly
not showing it. I
love her facial expression.
She cracks me up!

Her potty is a little
throne that plays
3 different royal
tunes when she

Way too long!

According to Joy's blog it has been two weeks since my last post...so it's about time. We've been BUSY! Nick has been working really hard and putting in really long days and weeks. He has been working every Saturday, too, so the poor guy only gets Sunday to recover and start again Monday. And actually, he was on call last week and got a call on Sunday so really he hasn't had a day off in a week and a half. We are grateful, however, that he only has to work a few Sundays a year. So hats off to you honey! You've been working really hard! Allie and I really miss him when he leaves at 6:30am and doesn't get home until 8 or 9 at night. Then in his little bit of spare time he does side jobs for family, friends, and friends of friends which is a blessing because we can put all of that in savings. Such is the life when you are an A/C repair man living in AZ. Poor Nick. I'm so grateful for what a hard worker he is. Nick and I have had to work together to save money. We love going out to eat, but haven't been in a while so that we can save. It is so easy when there is extra money to spend it! And we know how to spend money fast! We decided to splurge a little on Saturday because Nick had a side job. Within a few hours we had bought Allie quite a few things from The Children's Place (because they were having one of their clearance sales), 3 pairs of shoes from Payless (not including the 2 pair we bought her from The Children's Place), $3 token to ride the new and improved double-decker carousel in the mall (since when did it cost so much to ride the dang thing!), 4 movies from Hollywood video (they were having a sale and Nick LOVES buying DVDs...I can't emphasize this love enough), and dinner at Native New Yorker. Whew! It worries me how quickly we can spend money! We have decided that once I graduate and start working we will have to budget very, very carefully and save a ton so that we don't blow it all on silly things! However, I told Nick that I would like to budget in shopping for clothes for he, Allie, and I, because anyone who knows me knows that I love shopping! Seriously, I could shop all day if I could. And unfortunately, I'm not a bargain shopper. If I like it, I'll pay whatever for it. So not smart! When my mom was in Europe she was amazed at all the museums...sadly, I'm not impressed at all with museums... if I went there I would shop at as many places as I could. My mom says I am uncultured. It sounds so...girly...and I'm usually not like that, but oh what I would give to go to New York right now and shop in Manhattan again!! But what girl wouldn't I guess. So that's what we've been up to the last few weeks, Nick working hard and me imagining what I could do with the money instead of saving it.

July 8, 2008

2 words...Edward Cullen

It's official...I'm in love. Of course I've been in love with Nick for several years...but my new found love is Edward Cullen. Nick gives me a hard time, but he knows that a real person beats a fictional character any day. For those of you who don't know Edward Cullen, my advice to you is...get to know Edward! A couple of people had told me to read the Twilight series books, but I said I didn't want to be one of those who jumps on the bandwagon to read a book just because everyone else is reading it. But last Wednesday one of my nursing girls gave me the first book. Her and another one of my friends were so excited talking about it and I told her I didn't want to burst their bubbles when I couldn't get into it. I like to read, but it has to be a really really good book that gets me hooked right away. Well...I read the first book, Twilight, by Friday. (I can't read in the car because I get really really car sick, I've always been that way. However, for the first time ever, I read while Nick drove to and from Camp LoMia because it was such a good book! I kept having to stop, lay my seat back, and take deep breaths because I was so sick, but I couldn't stop reading! I was sick for a couple days after, but it was worth it!) Then I called my friend and begged her to let me borrow books two and three. So I read book two, New Moon, on Saturday, all 563 pages, and book three, Eclipse, by Sunday night, all 629 pages. I'm telling you...I couldn't put them down! I read way into the night and Allie was happy because I let her watch more movies then usual. The author, Stephanie Meyer, has a gift. I was so impressed at how well she wrote. It held my attention the whole time! She is such a clean writer and it wasn't at all like I thought it would be. No horror, no love scenes, or anything questionable. I am soooo excited for book four, Breaking Dawn, to come out August 2nd and the movie to come out December 12th! I keep watching the teezer trailer online. And I know not everyone agrees, but I think Robert Pattinson is gorgeous in this movie. I think he will do an amazing job as Edward. You can go to http://twilightthemovie.com/ to see the teezer trailer and see for yourself how gorgeous he is. Click on video gallery and then click on the bottom left picture of Bella and Edward. No worries, it looks like it might be scary, but it's really only suspenseful. I'm not into scary movies these days. On Monday I was actually kind of down because I didn't know what to do with myself. I had just spent the last 4 days reading non stop and then it was over! I became obsessed with Edward and Bella in a matter of 4 days. I'm tempted to start reading book three again...truly I'm obsessed!

Silly Allie

I had to post a few of these silly pictures of Allie and tell you some of the things she loves. Sometimes she puts on her sunglasses, puts her purse on her shoulder and her shoes on her feet, and says, "Bye mom. See later!" and waves while walking away. Where is it that she is going? Your guess is as good as mine. She also loves sitting on the counter and playing with my makeup with I put it on. She makes us laugh when she wears her sunglasses on her head. She loves looking in other people's pantry. She loves her dang pacifier. She lost all of the green soothies, so she found this infant one, that she would never take before, and always has it with her. (I try really hard to not let her have this one in public.) She loves crawling under her jungle gym. And lastly, Nick hurt his back at work last week, so he's been putting a hot pack on it at night. As soon as Nick lays down Allie comes to find me and says, "Allie's turn" while pulling me to the freezer. She runs over to lay down with Nick and I put our other pack on Allie's back. The other night she kept looking at Nick and adjusting so that she was laying exactly like he was.

I call this her
"too cool for
school" look.

"Put on a little
makeup, makeup.
Be sure to get
your good side,
good side!" For
some reason I
always sing this
song while we put
on makeup...random.

Just like

Glasses on upside
Cheesey smile...

Snowball loves Allie
most of the time, too.

Unfortunately she already
knows that she can get
awaywith a lot when
she flashes her smile.

The 4th of July

We dropped Allie off at my mom's house early in the morning and drove to Camp LoMia to take the 4th year girls rappelling. It was beautiful up north! It rained on us a couple of times while we were rappelling, but it was a cool rain so it felt really good. On the way home it poured and hailed a ton! Nick at one point said, "Hold tight little windsheild!" We then had a BBQ with my family at my uncle's house in Queen Creek and all the kids played outside. It is fun seeing Allie run around with my cousins. I guess that would make them her first cousins once removed...or something like that. Later, almost all of us came back to our house to watch fireworks. Allie calls them "Farurks" and kept saying "Boom! Boom farurks!" days later.

Nick loves taking
people rappelling,
especially when it's
their first time.
He also loves his
Wranglers and hat.

The kids had fun
jumping and playing
basketball. At one
point the basket
fell over and hit Allie
square on the head,
sad, but I laughed.

Allie always has
fun playing with

We sang "Happy
Birthday" to
Sabrina, too!
She turned 8!!

Some watched
fireworks standing...

others watched
them from the

Allie even got brave
enough to watch them
from a chair...until I
crouched down to her
level and realized she
couldn't see them over
the fence from this

You gotta love Chris'
patriot hat in the
background. He got
it from New York one
year and faithfully
wears it every 4th of
July, haha.