July 22, 2008

Potty Chairs and "Broten Pacies"

Allie is getting to be such a big girl! My little girl is not a baby anymore. *Sniff, sniff* We bought her a big girl potty chair about a little over a month ago, and the past two weeks she has been using it! She for the most part is doing it all herself. She'll disappear and come back holding a pot full of pee. She is so excited to show us! This is great and all, but I really wish she would just come and get me and take me to the bathroom, then I wouldn't have to help her walk carefully back to the bathroom without her splashing it on the carpet. She'll go potty and then say, "Yay Allie!" and clap her cute little hands. Her reward has been a handful of M&M's and so far it's working great. Last week there was a day when she went like 5 times during the day without me even asking her if she needed to go. I'm not totally pushing it though, but I guess maybe I should? When school starts again there is no way I'm going to have time for potty training when she's at a different house everyday, so my dilemma is...do I push it now?...or wait until Christmas break?...or wait until next summer?! But then she'll be almost 3, and if she's acting ready now I guess I'd better help her along. Any ideas?! Also, *drumroll please* we got rid of her paci! Last Saturday night I decided it was time. She had been using this infant one that was way too small for her and it seemed she was getting more obsessed by the day. It's not that I was totally opposed to her having it at bedtime and naptimes, but she would always sneak it somehow and I hated her having it in public. So, Saturday night I had her help me cut the end off and throw it in the garbage. I said, "Yuck! That paci is broken! We'd better throw it in the garbage! Besides, pacis are for babies and you're a big girl that goes potty in the big girl potty!" She said, "Ew yuck, Mommy! Paci broten (broken). Allie big girl!" and threw it in the garbage. She did pretty ok that night without it, but that morning was horrible. She kept taking it out of the garbage and trying to put it back together while bawling uncontrollably. But once I got her mind off of it she did pretty well. Now she just tells everyone that her "paci is broten. I frow in garbage". And when she says "throw" she acts like she is throwing something...very dramatic. So that's what Allie has been doing the past couple of weeks...growing up really fast! I can't believe she'll be 2 in October! Where did the time go?!

She's wearing big girl
underwear in this
picture, but modestly
not showing it. I
love her facial expression.
She cracks me up!

Her potty is a little
throne that plays
3 different royal
tunes when she


Joy said...

I love her potty! She is such a big girl now, I can't believe it!

The Skousens said...

Wow, she really is growing up, what a big girl she is!! I can't believe that she's already being potty trained and that you got rid of the paci so easily!!!

The Riding Family said...

I guess I should have read this post before the other (where I asked how you managed to get rid of the paci's). Sorry...I'm going backwards. I love the idea of the little "throne".