According to Joy's blog it has been two weeks since my last it's about time. We've been
BUSY! Nick has been working really hard and putting in really long days and weeks. He has been working every Saturday, too, so the poor guy only gets Sunday to recover and start again Monday. And actually, he was on call last week and got a call on Sunday so really he hasn't had a day off in a week and a half. We are grateful, however, that he only has to work a few Sundays a year. So hats off to you honey!
You've been working really hard! Allie and I really miss him when he leaves at 6:30am and doesn't get home until 8 or 9 at night. Then in his little bit of spare time he does side jobs for family, friends, and friends of friends which is a blessing because we can put all of that in savings. Such is the life when you are an A/C repair man living in AZ. Poor Nick. I'm so grateful for what a hard worker he is. Nick and I have had to work together to save money. We love going out to eat, but haven't been in a while so that we can save. It is so easy when there is extra money to spend it! And we know how to spend money fast! We decided to splurge a little on Saturday because Nick had a side job. Within a few hours we had bought Allie quite a few things from The Children's Place (because they were having one of their clearance sales), 3 pairs of shoes from Payless (not including the 2 pair we bought her from The Children's Place), $3 token to ride the new and improved double-decker carousel in the mall (since when did it cost so much to ride the dang thing!), 4 movies from Hollywood video (they were having a sale and Nick
LOVES buying DVDs...I can't emphasize this love enough), and dinner at Native New Yorker. Whew! It worries me how quickly we can spend money! We have decided that once I graduate and start working we will have to budget very, very carefully and save a ton so that we don't blow it all on silly things! However, I told Nick that I would like to budget in shopping for clothes for he, Allie, and I, because anyone who knows me knows that I love shopping! Seriously, I could shop all day if I could. And unfortunately, I'm not a bargain shopper. If I like it, I'll pay whatever for it. So not smart! When my mom was in Europe she was amazed at all the museums...sadly, I'm not impressed at all with museums... if I went there I would shop at as many places as I could. My mom says I am uncultured. It sounds so...girly...and I'm usually not like that, but oh what I would give to go to New York right now and shop in Manhattan again!! But what girl wouldn't I guess. So that's what we've been up to the last few weeks, Nick working hard and me imagining what I
could do with the money instead of saving it.