October 20, 2009

An attempted picnic in the park…


I was trying to be a good mom.  Nick was working late and we had been cooped up in the house all day.  So, I made Allie a pizza and a sandwich for me, popped some popcorn, mixed up some kool-aid, and packed some popsicles in ice and we headed off for a picnic in the park.  Allie wanted to have it in the middle of the grassy area at the park by our house.  After a couple of pictures we started eating our feast!  About two bites into it I packed us all up and we headed home…we were being eaten by mosquitoes.  After shooing one off of Brooklynn’s chubby cheek I knew we had to go home :(  We ended up having a picnic in our living room.  Do I get points for trying??

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