November 23, 2009

Here’s some random pictures of what we did in October…

Allie rode trikes and played with her best friend Elizabeth that lives just down the street.



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Brooklynn discovered she can get her toes up to her mouth.  Who needs a paci when you have your toes?

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More and more people told us that Brooklynn looks “just like her Daddy”.  Which is just fine with me :)


Allie and Brookie watched PBS kids together


Brookie and Allie got cuter and cuter.

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We fed the ducks with some friends.

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And Brooklynn learned how to suck her thumb.  I’m not super worried though because she will still take a paci, and if she’s like Allie she will only do it for a couple of months and then quit.  But for now, she’s pretty darn cute when she does it :) 


This is how she sleeps.  She rolls to her right side though ususally, and then drapes her left arm across her face and sucks her right thumb. 


1 comment:

Christine said...

ahhhhh, this makes me want another one BAD!!!