July 23, 2009

The Fourth of July!

We came home from the hospital with Brooklynn on the 4th. We were hoping we would go home that day since we wanted to watch fireworks in our backyard with Allie. Allie loved the fireworks and Brooklynn slept through it all. Next year should be a lot of fun with the two of them! My mom was there to help with the girls and help around the house, so she was able to take a couple family pictures. Remember, this was the day I came home from the hospital so don't judge too harshly :)

"Mom, they go BOOM!"

Our first family picture

I love these two!


Nursemelanie said...

She is so so adorable!!! I can't wait to hold her.

Joy said...

Oh my gosh, you look so good! I was like a train wreck for weeks after I got home!